Office Phone+8802 99669 1254~59
Mobile Number+88 01844 056 187
Email AddresshasanATiutDASHdhakaDOTedu
Office AddressRoom 404, Second Academic Building, CSE Department, IUT, Board Bazar, Gazipur 1704.
Dr. Hasan Mahmud
My research area focuses on the design and development of interactive systems integrated with machine learning approaches. Specifically, I work in the domain of hand gesture recognition that utilizes human depth perception effectively. I am the co-founder of Systems and Software Lab (SSL), CSE department, IUT. I love to explore different areas of Human-Computer Interaction like, Hand Rehabilitation, Affective Computing, Physical activity-based gaming, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Assistive technology, Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Specialization : Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Centered AI/ML/NLP, Intelligent Interfaces and Interactions, Human Gesture (Hand, head, mouth, eye, body), Sign Language Recognition and analysis